Aviation Decarbonisation Lesson PDF Book


The book includes these four lessons: 

Reading Test: Aviation Decarbonisation: Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)

This 788-word text looks at the environmental impact of aviation. It talks about sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) as an alternative to conventional jet fuel, it explains how SAF is produced and it discusses the issues that have been raised with SAF. The reading test includes: matching headings to paragraphs; true, false, not given; open answer questions; summary identification exercise; reference words and a vocabulary task.

Reading & Writing Summary: Aviation Decarbonisation (SAF) 

This 788-word text looks at the environmental impact of aviation. It talks about sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) as an alternative to conventional jet fuel, it explains how SAF is produced and it discusses the issues that have been raised with SAF. The summary task includes: note-taking worksheet with key, summary writing exercise with one sample summary, and a critical thinking worksheet with suggested answers

Listening Test: Aviation Decarbonisation: Hydrogen 

This short lecture talks about aviation decarbonisation. It looks at the connection between aviation and global average temperatures, it explains how hydrogen is a solution to reduce COemissions, it discusses the processing of hydrogen and how it would work in reality, and it examines the challenges of hydrogen-powered planes. The listening test includes: open answer questions; true, false, not given; multiple choice; and a gap fill summary.


Seminar Speaking: Aviation Decarbonisation 

This is a speaking seminar sheet that provides a range of questions for students to discuss together after they have done the reading and listening texts. The seminar provides students with an opportunity to discuss the content, share their opinions and build confidence in speaking.

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