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Academic Criteria
Marking criteria are the standards of judgement for assignments. It is often divided into sections with explicit definitions of the quality expected for different levels of judgement.

Marking criteria
- It is important for students to see the marking criteria in advance so that they will be able to see clearly how their work will be judged.
- Students will be able to understand the marks they have been given.
- Marking criteria provides a valuable tool for feedback.
- Good marking criteria creates a clear standard with markers.
- Marking is reliable and measures what the assessment is intended to measure.
- Marking criteria aligns to module and programme learning outcomes.
Academic English UK Criteria
Our criterion focuses on clear marking sections. E.g Writing (Task, Organisation, Language), Seminar (Language, Fluency & Pronunciation, Communication), Presentation (Language, Fluency & Pronunciation, Presentation & Engagement) and Presentation (Task fulfilment, Language, Fluency & Pronunciation, Presentation & Engagement). We have tried to keep the criteria simple yet effective in accessing students’ work. Our criterion are word documents and therefore allow you to make changes where necessary.
Writing Criteria
Essay writing criteria x 2 (updated 2023)
There are two writing criterion in this download. One is a basic marking criteria that can be used to mark students’ general writing and the other criteria includes the use of sources. They are divided into three sections of Task (40%) / Organisation (30%) / Language (30%) and have five grade levels A-F. It is a word document so you can add or change any of the rubric to suit your writing test. Example Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP
Poster Writing Criteria
Poster writing criteria (new 2023)
This poster criteria is similar to the essay writing criteria but includes the use of images. It is divided into three sections of Task (40%) / Organisation (30%) / Language (30%) and have five grade levels A-F. It is a word document so you can add or change any of the rubric to suit your writing test. Example Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP
Seminar Criteria
Seminar speaking criteria x 2 (updated 2023)
This includes one basic seminar speaking criteria to assess seminar speaking skills and contains four key criteria: Language Accuracy (20%), Language Range (20%), Pronunciation (20%) & Communicative Effectiveness (40%), and one seminar criteria that includes ‘reference to materials’. Example Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP
Presentation Criteria
Presentation speaking criteria (updated 2023)
This is a basic criteria to assess & grade presentation speaking skills. It has three key criteria: Language Accuracy & Language Range (25%), Fluency & Pronunciation (25%) and Presentation & Engagement (50%). Example Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP
E-Portfolio Presentation Criteria
E-portfolio presentation speaking criteria (new 2023)
This is a marking criteria to assess & grade the e-portfolio presentation speaking skills. It has four key criteria: Task Fulfilment & Content (40%), Language Accuracy & Language Range (20%), Fluency & Pronunciation(20%) and Presentation & Engagement (20%). Example Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP
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