Academic Exemplification

 What is exemplification?

  • Exemplification means to provide readers with examples that illustrate a larger point.
  • Exemplification writing uses specific, vivid examples for the purpose of adding more information to explain, persuade, define or illustrate a general idea.
  • Exemplification provides solid support and strong evidence to prove the writer’s main statement. 
  • By supplying specific examples, the writer adds additional who, what, when, where, why and how information to elaborate on the main idea of a paragraph or essay. Good examples are logically related to the topic and provide the mental imagery needed by the reader to make important connections. Making these connections with suitable examples is important so that the author’s intended meaning, difficult concepts or unfamiliar ideas are made known and clearly understood.

Academic Exemplification Video

A short 6-minute video on how to write an academic definition.

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PDF Lesson Download

 Academic Examples: exemplification

This lesson is designed to support students in their understanding and use of exemplification. It includes noticing the language in context, a language review with examples, four guided practice activities, a freer practice paragraph writing task with model answer and teacher’s notes – see worksheet example. Time: 120mins.  Level ***** [B1/B2/C1]  TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Exemplification Language Review

exemplification language 1
exemplification language review2

Other exemplification & support language phrases

This is exemplified in the work undertaken by …
This distinction is further exemplified in studies using …
The effectiveness of the X technique has been exemplified in a report by Smith et al. (2010)

This is evident in the case of
This is certainly true in the case of …
The evidence of X can be clearly seen in the case of …
In a similar case in America, Smith (1992) identified …

X is a good illustration of
X illustrates this point clearly.
This can be illustrated briefly by …
By way of illustration, Smith (2003) shows how the data for …
These experiments illustrate that X and Y have distinct functions in …

This case has shown that …
This has been seen in the case of
The case reported here illustrates the
Overall, these cases support the view that
This case study confirms the importance of …
The evidence presented thus far supports the idea that …
This case demonstrates the need for better strategies for …
As this case very clearly demonstrates, it is important that …
This case reveals the need for further investigation in patients with …
This case demonstrates how X used innovative marketing strategies in …
Recent cases reported by Smith et al. (2013) also support the hypothesis that …
In support of X, Y has been shown to induce Y in several cases (Smith et al., 2001).

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Exercise 1

Task 1:When we make generalisations in academic writing, we need to support these ideas with explanations, examples or evidence. Look at the five texts and see how the writer has supported their generalisations with examples. Highlight the three key components: Generalisation / Language for giving examplesExample

It is often claimed that mergers and acquisitions are unsuccessful. A case in point is eBay’s acquisition of SKYPE in 2005. eBay acquired SKYPE because it thought that buyers and sellers would want to communicate face-to-face; however, it soon become apparent that users preferred to communicate by email, so therefore eBay sold SKYPE four years later.

It is often claimed that mergers and acquisitions are unsuccessful. A case in point is eBay’s acquisition of SKYPE in 2005. eBay acquired SKYPE because it thought that buyers and sellers would want to communicate face-to-face; however, it soon become apparent that users preferred to communicate by email, so therefore eBay sold SKYPE four years later.

Exercise 2

Task: Highlight the most appropriate answer in the following sentences, and change the punctuation accordingly. Compare with a partner when you’ve finished.

  1. Beijing offers tourists a number of sites to visit such as/especially the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and Summer Palace.
  1. Beijing offers tourists a number of sites to visit such as/especially the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and Summer Palace.

Exercise 3

Task: Complete the gaps with a phrase from the box, and make sure you add the correct punctuation. Compare with a partner when you’ve finished.

A case in point               especially               for instance               in particular              such as


  1. Einstein’s physics equations ______________________E=mc2 have changed the world.
  1. Einstein’s physics equations, especially E=mc,2 have changed the world.

Exercise 4

Task: Add an appropriate example to each sentence and introduce it using the phrase in brackets.

  1. There are a number of brands that have been successful for more than 100 years. (such as)


  1. There are a number of brands, such as John Lewis, Rolls-Royce and Harrods, that have been successful for more than 100 years.

Exercise 5

Task 4: Read the following paragraph on sport as a compulsory school subject. There are 2 examples missing. Add the examples and the language to introduce each example to each gap.

Sport as a compulsory school subject

Compulsory physical education has become a major area of interest in the field of education. On the one hand, there are those who consider sport mandatory as it harnesses several important skills, i.                                                                                                          . Moreover, sport encourages children to lead healthier lifestyles, something which health authorities are keen to promote. ii.                                                                                                                                 .

  1. Compulsory physical education has become a major area of interest in the field of education. On the one hand, there are those who consider sport mandatory as it harnesses several important skills, such as teamwork, leadership and handling pressure. Moreover, sport encourages children to lead healthier lifestyles, something which health authorities are keen to promote. This is exemplified by the rising childhood obesity rate among primary school children.

For a detailed worksheet and more exercises – buy the download below.

Academic Example Download

 Academic Examples: exemplification

This lesson is designed to support students in their understanding and use of exemplification. It includes noticing the language in context, a language review with examples, four guided practice activities, a freer practice paragraph writing task with model answer and teacher’s notes – see worksheet example. Time: 120mins.  Level ***** [B1/B2/C1]  TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


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