Economic Inequality Lesson Book

What is economic inequality?

Economic inequality covers a wide variety of topics. It mainly refers to either income distribution or the distribution of wealth. Besides measurements between countries or states, there are important types of economic inequality between groups of people. Important types of economic measurements focus on wealth, income, and consumption. There are various numerical indices for measuring economic inequality, such as the most popular Gini index coefficient, but also National Income indices and Inequality Databases (from the World Bank, United Nations and OECD). Important perspectives of equality include equity, equality of outcome, and equality of opportunity which would include gender and disability (Wilson, 2019: Academic English UK).

Economic Inequality Lesson

This ‘Economic Inequality’ lesson book includes 6-10 hours of content

  • Exploring the topic and linking personal experience.
  • Creating and writing a definition.
  • Reading a 800-word text with reading test-type questions.

[The reading text focuses on how inequality is measured, social mobility and possible solutions]

  • Identifying the key points in the text and writing a summary.
  • Speaking: Discussing the authors ideas in the text and applying critical thinking.
  • Listening & taking notes to a 10-15 minute lecture – followed by questions. 

[The listening explores unfair wealth distribution, how the past has affected the present & the current debate.]

  • EXTRA: Readin text (offering the opposite view).
  • Speaking in a seminar to discuss and synthesise the content from the reading and lecture.

  Both texts are very engaging and highly motivating.


Economic Inequality Lesson PDF Book

AMAZING VALUE – Five lessons in one book. Introduction, definition, reading test & summary writing, 1 x lecture listening, [extra reading text] & seminar / example [TEACHER MEMBERSHIP]


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Economic Inequality Dictogloss

A dictogloss is a classroom dictation activity where learners are required to construct a short text (3 sentences) by listening and taking notes, which are then used to reconstruct the text. There are many key skills used in this type of lesson; listening, note-taking, communication with other students, grammar and vocabulary development.

Dictogloss: Economic Inequality 

A definition of Economic Inequality that explains the two key parameters and key terms connected to these. Example  Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1]  / TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP



Here s the AEUK Video on Economic Inequality:


Economic Inequality- Lecture Listening Lesson

This is a lecture on what is economic inequality, how is wealth distributed, how the past has affected the present and the current debate. It includes a video, test questions and PPT (see example).  Level ***** [B2/C1] / PPT link in download /  Video [10.00] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

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Economic Inequality Reading Test


Reading Test: Economic Inequality.

The text defines economic inequality. It discuses differences in income distribution between the rich and poor, it highlights how inequality is measured and offers a range of solutions to address income inequality. The reading test worksheet tests headings, T/F/NG, short answers, summaries and vocabulary (see ExampleLevel ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Economic Inequality: Summary  Reading & Writing Lesson

The text discusses what is economic inequality and how it is measured. It also discusses the unfairness of wealth distribution between the rich and the poor and suggests possible solutions to address the situation. The summary writing task consists of a note-taking worksheet, a summary writing task, critical thinking questions, sample notes, a sample summary and sample critical thinking answersExample. Level ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

Economic Inequality Lesson Book

Economic Inequality Lesson PDF Book

AMAZING VALUE – Five lessons in one book. Introduction, definition, reading test & summary writing, 1 x lecture listening, [extra reading text] & seminar / example

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