Independent Learning at University
What is independent learning?
Independent learning is at the heart of the university experience. It is learning that is done outside of your normal classes of lectures, seminars and tutorials. It is research to expand your knowledge on certain areas. It can include writing up lecture notes, following up a author mentioned in a lecture or reading around a topic for an assignment. It is not studying on your own and should include creating studying groups to discuss and bounce ideas around to improve understanding.
Watch these videos for extra information – there’s a worksheet too.
Independent study Video #1
University of Leicester
Independent study Video #2
University of Westminster
Independent study Video #3
Nottingham Trent University
Independent study Video #4
University of Edinburgh
Independent Learning worksheet
Watch the videos, take notes and answer the question boxes.
Independent Learning worksheet
This worksheet is based on four videos. Listen to the videos and take notes. Then use your notes to answer the questions and compare your answers to the key answers. Example / Video Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP
Speaking Skills – Seminar
Independent Learning seminar
This worksheet is based on four videos. Students listen and take notes on the videos and then summarise their ideas on the worksheet. Using their new knowledge they formulate an Independent Learning action plan. With all this information they have a 20-30 minute seminar using a set of questions. Videos Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP
Reflective student
The reflective student: reflection on study & goal setting [new 2020]
This is a seminar lesson to reflect on studying. It asks students to look at and examine the way they study and to identify possible areas that could be improved. It includes reflective questions, a 6-minute video on what SMART goals are and a SMART goal worksheet to set a goal(s) to be achieved (see worksheet example) / Video [4.00] / MP3 / Level ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP