Video Games – Academic English Lesson

The impact of video games on health

This ‘video games’ lesson book includes 6-10 hours of content:

  • Exploring the topic and linking personal experience.
  • Discussing pros and cons of gaming.
  • Reading a 700-word text with test-type questions.
  • Identifying the key points in the text and writing a summary.
  • Discussing the authors ideas in the text and applying critical thinking.
  • Listening & taking notes to a 17 minute lecture – followed by test-type questions.
  • Speaking in a seminar to discuss and synthesise the content from the reading and lecture.


Video Games Lesson PDF Book

AMAZING VALUE – Five lessons in one book. Introduction, reading test, summary writing, lecture listening & seminar. Example.


All content in PDF Book is below [you can buy separately]  

Video Games: Introduction

Students discuss which video games they play and list the pros and cons of video gaming. 

Reading Test

AEUK Academic Reading Tests have been specifically written by AEUK for university English reading tests. The texts are based around academic journals and there are a variety of test questions (t,f,ng / gap fill / information tables, summaries, etc..) to test comprehension. The test takes 1:30 (+30 minutes answer check). The tests can be used as normal lesson material too.



Reading Test: The impact of video games on health.

The text discusses three serious health issues connected to playing video games. The text uses eight key sources to highlight gaming to be a future health concern. The reading test worksheet tests headings, T/F/NG, short answers, summaries and vocabulary (see ExampleLevel ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


More Reading Test Lessons – here

Summary Writing: The Gig Economy 

This uses the same text as the reading test (above). This lesson asks students to highlight key points with support and then write a summary of 200-250 words. The lesson includes all key points & support, a model answer and a critical thinking worksheet.


Video Games: Reading & Summary Writing Lesson

The text discusses three serious health issues connected to playing video games. The text uses eight key sources to highlight gaming to be a future health concern. Students take notes on key idea and write a summary of 200-250 words. The lesson includes a critical thinking worksheet too.  Example. Level ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


More Reading & writing Summary Lessons – here

Listening to a lecture

TED Talk Lecture on Noise Pollution. Students listen & take notes on the lecture twice and then answer questions based on the lecture. AEUK create listening worksheets with a variety of question types (T F NG, open, information tables, summary etc..)

TED Test: Your Brain on Video GamesDaphne Bavelier

TED TALK: This TED talk discusses how action-packed shooter games can be used as educational and rehabilitation tools. It provides clear examples of research and an analysis of the brain (Example). Level: ***** [B2/C1]  /  Video [17:51] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

TED TEST: Your Brain on Video Games – Daphne Bavelier

AEUK has created a PowerPoint for this talk: Download PPT. 

Authentic idea! Print off PPT slides (3 slides per page) and add notes while you listen, then answer the question sheet. 



More Listening Worksheets & Lessons – here

 Video Games Seminar 

Students take notes on the reading text and lecture listening. The students use these notes to take part in a 20-minute academic seminar based on these questions.


Video Games Lesson PDF Book

AMAZING VALUE – Five lessons in one book. Introduction, reading test, summary writing, lecture listening & seminar. Example.


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