Reflection on Study and Goal Setting
What is a reflective student?
This is a seminar lesson to reflect on studying. It asks students to look at and examine the way they study and to identify possible areas that could be improved. It includes reflective questions, a 6-minute video on what SMART goals are and a SMART goal worksheet to set a goal(s) to be achieved.
The Lesson Plan
This lesson is a 20-minute seminar discussion. The students work through the worksheets and prepare to discuss their reflections and SMART goals in a seminar. However, it can be used as a class activity too by working through each worksheet task and discussing answers in small groups.
1. Worksheet [20-30 mins]
- Ask Students to discuss what reflection is and why it is important.
- Feedback: put ideas on the board.
- Hand out ‘Reflection on study skills and goal setting’ sheet.
- Students read the background, identify key points and compare with their previous discussion.
- Task 1: Give students 20 minutes to work through the reflective questions 1-15.
SMART OBJECTIVES Video – 6 minutes
2. Listening (SMART Goals) [20-30 minutes]
- Hand out ‘how to set SMART goals video ‘ sheet.
- Video: link here
- Task 2: Students listen twice and take notes on the video.
- The video prepares the students for setting their own SMART goals.
Seminar Skills
4. Speaking (seminar) [30 minutes]
- Students sit in groups of 5-6.
- Give out the set of ‘Seminar Questions’ sheet.
- Students hold a seminar for 20 minutes.
- Seminar skills procedure:
- Discuss where and when you study.
- What are you doing to improve your English outside of class?
- How are you revising class notes and vocabulary?
- Discuss …… [more questions in download]
The reflective student: reflection on study & goal setting [new 2020]
This is a seminar lesson to reflect on studying. It asks students to look at and examine the way they study and to identify possible areas that could be improved. It includes reflective questions, a 6-minute video on what SMART goals are and a SMART goal worksheet to set a goal(s) to be achieved (see worksheet example) Video [4.00] / MP3 / Level ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP
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