Critical Reading 2

Critical Reading 2

 Critical Reading What is critical reading? Critical reading is necessary for critical writing. Texts need to be examined carefully and critically in order to create a critical analysis of the topic. This information is then used to support a position in writing....
Critical Review

Critical Review

Critical Review  A critical review (sometimes called a critical evaluation, a critical analysis, a critical appraisal, or a critical commentary) is a detailed commentary on and evaluation of a text. What is a critical review? In very simply terms, a critical review or...
Critical Reading

Critical Reading

 Critical Reading What is critical reading? Critical reading is necessary for critical writing. Texts need to be examined carefully and critically in order to create a critical analysis of the topic. This information is then used to support a position in writing....
Academic Resolutions

Academic Resolutions

New Year’s Academic Resolutions What are academic resolutions? Academic Resolutions are effective changes or goals that students can make to enable them to achieve greater success in academia. Regularly setting new plans and critically evaluating them is an...
Description, analysis and evaluation

Description, analysis and evaluation

Description, analysis & evaluation    A basic definition of all three terms: Description: To give a clear and detailed picture of something. Analysis: To make a methodical and detailed examination. Evaluation: To make judgements about the value of...
The Reflective Student

The Reflective Student

Reflection on Study and Goal Setting  What is a reflective student? This is a seminar lesson to reflect on studying. It asks students to look at and examine the way they study and to identify possible areas that could be improved. It includes reflective questions, a...
Critical Thinking Skills

Critical Thinking Skills

 Critical Thinking Skills  What is critical thinking? Critical thinking is derived from the ancient Greek word Kritikos meaning questioning. Universal scholarly agreement is based on the understanding that it is the higher order cognitive skills...
Speaking Tasks for academic English

Speaking Tasks for academic English

Speaking Tasks (analysis & evaluation)   What are academic speaking tasks? This lesson is aimed to develop discussion skills but more importantly to focus on critical thinking strategies of analysis and evaluation. In small groups the students are given a...