QUICKMARKS for Academic English Teachers

What are QuickMarks?

QuickMarks are a set of commonly used marking terms that can be used to help mark assignments.

•Turnitin provides a few default marking sets (e.g. Commonly used, Formatting or Composition marks).
• Individual QuickMark sets can be created.
•Feedback section: voice or text comment.

QuickMarks are an efficient way of providing feedback to students.

Video Tutorial

An 11-minute video on how to create a QuickMark set and apply feedback on Turnitin.
If you can’t access this YouTube video in your country, go here

Download an Academic English Quickmark Set

42 QuickMarks ready to go. Why take hours creating a set when you can download our set. It includes error code, structure and organisation comments. Everything in the image below is included.
Academic English QuickMarks Set Download by AEUK

QuickMarks for Turnitin: 42 Prepared QuickMarks

Download this QuickMarks file (image above). 42 Quickmarks on the correction code, organisation and academic conventions. Each QuickMark includes a description. (See example of all QuickMarks). TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP 


Turnitin Feedback Studio 

This is an image of the Turnitin Feedback Studio. It shows a student’s essay and the QuickMarks control section to the right.
Turnitin studio AEUK

QuickMark Sets 

This image shows the layout of the icons: QuickMarks, Feedback Summary, Similarirty and Download. In the top right hand corner there is a wheel   to access Manage Sets.
QuickMarks on Turnitin

Creating a QuickMark set

These images show the process on how to create a QuickMark set and an individual QuickMark.Once you have created a set it will automatically show in Default Sets.
how to create a QuickMark set
how to create a QuickMark

Upload a QuickMark Set 

This image shows the upload page for QuickMarks. It’s very easy. Click on the menu and Upload Set. Drag and drop your QuickMarks File into the page. 
QuickMarks upload a set AEUK

Uploaded: Click on open and the set is ready to use.

Upload academic English QuickMark Set

How to use QuickMarks for feedback on an essay

This image provides a basic example of the different ways to utilise QuickMarks for feedback,
how to give feedback with QuickMarks

Adding Text and comments

adding text and comments in QuickMarks

Feedback Summary Section

This image shows the two ways you can add a feedback comment to the essay. It can be done through Text or Voice Comment.
feedback summary on QuickMarks

Download an Academic English Quickmark Set

42 QuickMarks ready to go. Why take hours creating a set when you can download our set. It includes error code, structure and organisation comments. Everything in the image below is included.
Academic English QuickMarks Set Download by AEUK


QuickMarks for Turnitin: 42 Prepared QuickMarks

Download this QuickMarks file (image above). 42 Quickmarks on the correction code, organisation and academic conventions. Each QuickMark includes a description. (See example of all QuickMarks). TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


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