NEW Resources for 2025

We’re always working hard at AEUK to produce new lessons and classroom resources. It takes time because once we create a resource we always test it on our students so that we know it works effectively and more importantly to identify any changes needed before publishing.

New Lessons for 2025

New releases for 2025

Error Correction Lessons

Art: Abstract Art

Word Form (WF) Error Correction: Abstract Art (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting errors with word forms (WF). Centered on the topic of abstract art, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Example. Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Marketing: Advertising Ethics

Tense (T) Error Correction: Ethics in Advertising (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting errors with tenses (T). Centered on the topic of ethics in advertising, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Environment: Carbon Zero by 2050

Grammar (Gr) Error Correction: Carbon Zero by 2050 (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting errors with grammar (Gr). Centered on the topic of carbon zero, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities.  Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Media: Citizen Journalism

Missing Word (^) Error Correction: Citizen Journalism (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting missing words ( ^). Centered on the topic of citizen journalism, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Culture: Cultural Globalisation

Informal (Inf) Error Correction: Cultural Globalisation (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting informal language (Inf). Centered on the topic of global culturalisation, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Global Issues: Energy Security

Wrong Word (WW) Error Correction: Energy Security (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting wrong words (WW). Centered on the topic of energy security, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Global Issues: Food Security


Articles (A) Error Correction: Food Security (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting errors with articles (A). Centered on the topic of citizen food security, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP



Building: Green Building Certification

 Collocation (Coll) Error Correction: Green Building Certification (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting errors with collocation (Coll). Centered on the topic of green building certification, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP



Science: Life on other Planets

Prepositions (Prep) Error Correction: Life on other Planets (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting errors with prepositions (Prep). Centered on the topic of citizen journalism, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

Free Download

Medicine: Sports Nutrition

Referencing (Ref) Error Correction: Sports Nutrition (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting errors with referencing (Ref). Centered on the topic of sports nutrition, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Education: Study Abroad Programmes

Relative Clauses Error Correction: Study Abroad Programmes (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting errors with relative clauses (RC). Centred on the topic of study abroad programmes, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


New releases for 2024

Writing Lessons

Correction Code (Updated 2024)

Teachers: This code can be used to correct student’s work. Underline the mistake and use one of the symbols to indicate the error. Students correct the mistake using the code and return to the teacher to check. TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

Download Error Correction Code*

Error Correction Practice: Free download (Updated 2024)

This is a really nice introductory lesson to the correction code. This sentence level practice sheet will help students to become accustomed to the correction code and practice changing the highlighted mistakes. TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

Download Correction Practice


Science: CRISPR-Cas9

Error Correction: CRISPR-cas9 (new 2024)

This engaging lesson on the topic of ‘CRISPR-Cas9’ aims to support students in their understanding of an error correction code in order to be able to correct common language errors. The analysis is conducted at both sentence and text level with the latter including two options depending on the level of the students. The lesson ends with students creating an error correction diary. Example. Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Technology: Generative AI

Error Correction Lesson: Generative AI (new 2024)

This engaging lesson on the topic of ‘Generative AI’ aims to support students in their understanding of an error correction code in order to be able to correct common language errors. The analysis is conducted at both sentence and text level with the latter including two options depending on the level of the students. The lesson ends with students creating an error correction diary. Example. Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Science: Life on other Planets

Error Correction Lesson: Life on other Planets (new 2024)

This engaging lesson on the topic of ‘Life on Other Planets’ aims to support students in their understanding of an error correction code in order to be able to correct common language errors. The analysis is conducted at both sentence and text level with the latter including two options depending on the level of the students. The lesson ends with students creating an error correction diary. Example. Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Business: Paper Ceiling


Error Correction Lesson: The Paper Ceiling (new 2024)

This engaging lesson on the topic of ‘The Paper Ceiling’ aims to support students in their understanding of an error correction code in order to be able to correct common language errors. The analysis is conducted at both level and text level with the latter including two options depending on the level of the students. The lesson ends with students creating an error correction diary. Example. Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Technology: Smart Cities

Error Correction Lesson: Smart Cities (new 2024)

This engaging lesson on the topic of ‘Smart Cities’ aims to support students in their understanding of an error correction code in order to be able to correct common language errors. The analysis is conducted at both sentence and text level with the latter including two options depending on the level of the students. The lesson ends with students creating an error correction diary. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Medicine / Science: Weight Loss Drugs

Error Correction Lesson: Weight Loss Drugs (new 2024)

This engaging lesson on the topic of ‘Weight Loss Drugs’ aims to support students in their understanding of an error correction code in order to be able to correct common language errors. The analysis is conducted at both sentence and text level with the latter including two options depending on the level of the students. The lesson ends with students creating an error correction diary. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


New Academic Listening Courses 

Academic English Courses for Students

Diabetes Lessons


Reading Test: Diabetes [new 2024]

This 950-word text is on the topic of type 2 diabetes. It provides an overview of the four main types of diabetes. It explains the role of blood sugar in the body. It identifies the symptoms of type 2 diabetes, and it looks at diagnosis and treatment. The reading test includes matching headings to paragraphs; true, false, not given; reference words; short answer questions; citations; and a vocabulary task. (Example). Level ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP  


Writing Summary: Diabetes [new 2024]

This 950-word text is on the topic of type 2 diabetes. It provides an overview of the four main types of diabetes. It explains the role of blood sugar in the body. It identifies the symptoms of type 2 diabetes, and it looks at diagnosis and treatment. The summary task includes note-taking worksheet with key, summary writing exercise with one sample summary, and a critical thinking worksheet with suggested answers. (Example). Level ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP 


Listening Test: Diabetes [new 2024]

This 10-minute lecture is on the topic of diabetes. It looks at the important data connected to this disease. it explains the aetiology of the condition, and it identifies the pathophysiology and symptomology of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The listening test includes summary completion: short answer questions; multiple choice and notes completion. (Example). Level ***** [B2/C1] / Video [12.13] MP3 / PPT link in download / TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Speaking Seminar: Diabetes  [new 2024]

This seminar worksheet provides a a number of questions based on the reading and listenings. Students refer to the reading text and their listening notes and discuss some of the key points made in all texts. The seminar sheet includes the sources so students can refer to specific evidence by author. TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP



Diabetes PDF Lesson Book [new 2024]

AMAZING VALUE – Four lessons in one book: reading test, reading to summary writing, listening test & speaking seminar. Example TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP



AI in the Real World


How AI will step off the screen and into the real world Daniela Russ (2024) [new 2024]

This inspirational TED talk discusses how the convergence of AI and robots will unlock a wonderful world of new possibilities in everyday life. The listening tests includes multiple choice, short answer questions, sentence completion, table completion and summary completion. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1]  /  Video [12:54] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

Business Success 


The Secret Ingredient of Business Success Pete Stavros (2024) [new 2024]

This fascinating Ted talk discusses how companies could be more successful by sharing company benefits with workers. The listening tests includes short answer questions, multiple choice, sentence completion, table completion and notes completion. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1]  / Video [13.06] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

Clean Energy


The missing piece of the clean energy transition Shiela Ngozi Oparaoha (2023) [new 2024]

This stimulating Ted talk discusses how the clean energy transition has a flaw in that it does not include the millions of people without access to energy. The listening test includes short answer questions, multiple choice, table completion, sentence completion, notes completion and summary completion. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1]  /  Video [10:00] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

Economic Growth


Why AI will spark exponential economic growth Cathie Wood (2023) [new 2024]

This intriguing Ted talk discusses how five innovative platforms are evolving at the same time, leading to a surge in GDP growth and productivity. The listening test includes short answer questions, multiple choice, sentence completion, table completion and summary completion. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1]  /  Video [14:42] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

Food and Climate


The problem with food and climate – and how to fix it Jonathan Foley (2024) [new 2024]

This motivating Ted talk discusses how global food production accounts for a third of all greenhouse gases and explains the four steps to reducing emissions. The listening tests includes multiple choice, short answer questions, sentence completion, table completion and notes completion. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1]  /  Video [12.09] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

Good Jobs


The case for good jobs – and why they are good for business too Mathias Ton (2024) [new 2024]

This emotional Ted talk discusses how the jobs that keep the world running are paid so poorly that workers struggle to make ends meet. The speaker explains how everyone wins when companies pay fairly. The listening test includes multiple choice, short answer questions, table completion, notes completion, table completion and summary completion. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1]  /  Video [13:42] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP




You don’t have to be a CEO to be a leader Alex Budak (2023) [new 2024]

This uplifting Ted talk discusses the current view of leadership and compares this with the concept of micro-leadership, explaining that the small acts of serving others can have a big impact. The listening test includes sentence completion, short answer questions, multiple choice, table completion and summary completion. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1]  /  Video [16:26] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP




How to stop the next pandemic? Stop deforestation Neil Vora (2023) [new 2024]

This influential Ted talk discusses how clearing forests is not only dangerous to the natural world but also to human health, as environmental devastation leads to deadly diseases.  The listening test includes short answer questions, multiple choice, sentence completion, table completion and summary completion. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1]  /  Video [09:54] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Reuse Materials


How to make sure materials get reused – again and againGarry Cooper (2023) [new 2024]

This uplifting Ted talk discusses how cities could be transformed into sustainable, circular economies by repurposing waste materials into new products, leading to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and the creation of new jobs. The listening test includes multiple choice, short answer questions, table completion, sentence completion and summary completion. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1]  / Video [12:48] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Stress on the Brain


How stress drains your brain – and what to do about it Nicole Byers (2023) [new 2024]

This interesting Ted talk discusses how stress affects your brain, making it difficult to remember things and easier to make mistakes. The speaker explains how to rest your brain and get your memory back on track.  The listening test includes short answer questions, multiple choice, sentence completion, table completion and summary completion. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1]  /  Video [09:08] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Wrong Leaders


 Are we celebrating the wrong leaders?Martin Guzman (2024)  [new 2024]

This inspirational Ted talk discusses how and why we celebrate the wrong leaders, both in terms of historical figures and current people in power. The listening test includes short answer questions, multiple choice, notes completion, sentence completion, table completion and summary completion. Example. Time: 60 minutes. Level ***** [B2/C1]  Video [15.55] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP



10x TED Tests PDF Book


10x TED Talk Test PDF Worksheets [new 2024]

1.  A.I 2.Business Success 3.Clean Energy 4. Economic Growth 5. Food & Climate 6. Good Jobs 7. Pandemics 8.Reuse Materials 9. Stress 10. Wrong Leaders

AMAZING VALUE – buy these 10+ min listening worksheets in one PDF book. Example.


An Introduction to Academic Writing

Academic Writing Workbook: 10x lessons

Academic Writing Workbook: 10x Lessons (new 2024)

This academic writing workbook will enable students to improve their writing skills by introducing them to ten important areas  of good academic writing style. Each area includes instructions, rules with examples, plenty of practice activities within the context of the UN SDGs and an answer key. The 10 areas are: 1) Academic style. 2) Passive grammar. 3) Hedging. 4) AWL. 5) Noun phrases. 6) Complex sentence structure. 7) Cause & effect. 8) Parallelism. 9) Coherence. 10) Cohesion. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Individual Lesson Downloads

1. Features and Language to Avoid in Academic Writing


Features and Language to Avoid in Academic Writing Worksheet 1 (new 2024)

This worksheet introduces students to the features and language to avoid when writing in an academic style. It includes instructions, rules, plenty of practice activities within the context of the UN SDGs and an answer key. This worksheet can be used on its own or as part of our academic writing booklet and is suitable for classroom use or self-study. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


2. Passive Grammar

Academic Writing: Passive Grammar Worksheet 2 (new 2024)

This worksheet introduces students to the passive voice. It includes instructions, rules, plenty of practice activities within the context of the UN SDGs and an answer key. This worksheet can be used on its own or as part of our academic writing booklet and is suitable for classroom use or self-study. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


3. Hedging / Cautious Language


Academic Writing: Hedging / Cautious Language Worksheet 3 (new 2024)

This worksheet introduces students to hedging. It includes instructions, rules, plenty of practice activities within the context of the UN SDGs and an answer key. This worksheet can be used on its own or as part of our academic writing booklet and is suitable for classroom use or self-study. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


4. Academic Word List (AWL)


Academic Writing: The Academic Word List (AWL) Worksheet 4 (new 2024)

This worksheet introduces students to the academic wordlist (AWL). It includes instructions, rules, plenty of practice activities within the context of the UN SDGs and an answer key. This worksheet can be used on its own or as part of our academic writing booklet and is suitable for classroom use or self-study. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


5. Noun Phrases


Academic Writing: Noun Phrases Worksheet 5 (new 2024)

This worksheet introduces students to noun phrases. It includes instructions, rules, plenty of practice activities within the context of the UN SDGs and an answer key. This worksheet can be used on its own or as part of our academic writing booklet and is suitable for classroom use or self-study. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


6. Complex Sentence Structure


Academic Writing: Complex Sentence Structure Worksheet 6 (new 2024)

This worksheet introduces students to complex sentence structure. It includes instructions, rules, plenty of practice activities within the context of the UN SDGs and an answer key. This worksheet can be used on its own or as part of our academic writing booklet and is suitable for classroom use or self-study. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


7. Cause and Effect


  Academic Writing: Cause and Effect Worksheet 7 (new 2024)

This worksheet introduces students to the language of cause and effect. It includes instructions, rules, plenty of practice activities within the context of the UN SDGs and an answer key. This worksheet can be used on its own or as part of our academic writing booklet and is suitable for classroom use or self-study. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


8. Parallelism


Academic Writing: Parallelism Worksheet 8 (new 2024)

This worksheet introduces students to parallelism. It includes instructions, rules, plenty of practice activities within the context of the UN SDGs and an answer key. This worksheet can be used on its own or as part of our academic writing booklet and is suitable for classroom use or self-study. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


9. Coherence

Academic Writing: Coherence Worksheet 9 (new 2024)

This worksheet introduces students to coherence. It includes instructions, rules, plenty of practice activities within the context of the UN SDGs and an answer key. This worksheet can be used on its own or as part of our academic writing booklet and is suitable for classroom use or self-study. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


10. Cohesion

Academic Writing: Cohesion Worksheet 10 (new 2024)

This worksheet introduces students to cohesion. It includes teacher’s notes, rules, plenty of practice activities within the context of the UN SDGs and an answer key. This worksheet can be used on its own or as part of our academic writing booklet and is suitable for classroom use or self-study. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Academic Writing Workbook: 10x lessons

Academic Writing Workbook: 10x Lessons (new 2024)

This academic writing workbook will enable students to improve their writing skills by introducing them to ten important areas  of good academic writing style. Each area includes instructions, rules with examples, plenty of practice activities within the context of the UN SDGs and an answer key. The 10 areas are: 1) Academic style. 2) Passive grammar. 3) Hedging. 4) AWL. 5) Noun phrases. 6) Complex sentence structure. 7) Cause & effect. 8) Parallelism. 9) Coherence. 10) Cohesion.  Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


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How to Write a Critical Review

Critical Review: how to write a critical Review (new 2024)

This lesson provides students with the knowledge and practice on how to write a critical review. It includes university critical review definitions, a four-part structure critical review outline, evaluation questions, evaluation phrases, a critical review essay analysis and writing practice. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Paragraph Writing with Quotations

Paragraph Writing 1: Artificial Intelligence


Paragraph Writing with Quotations: Artificial Intelligence (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students select a number of quotations based on AI that they paraphrase and reference as part of a paragraph writing exercise. The worksheet includes ten quotations to choose from as well as a sample paragraph to analyse. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Paragraph Writing 2: Capitalism


Paragraph Writing with Quotations: Capitalism (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students select a number of quotations based on capitalism that they paraphrase and reference as part of a paragraph writing exercise. The worksheet includes ten quotations to choose from as well as a sample paragraph to analyse. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Paragraph Writing 3: ChatGPT


Paragraph Writing with Quotations: ChatGPT (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students to select a number of quotations based on ChatGPT that they paraphrase and reference as part of a paragraph writing exercise. The worksheet includes ten quotations to choose from as well as a sample paragraph to analyse. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Paragraph Writing 4: Circular Economy


Paragraph Writing with Quotations: Circular Economy (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students select a number of quotations based on the circular economy that they paraphrase and reference as part of a paragraph writing exercise. The worksheet includes ten quotations to choose from as well as a sample paragraph to analyse. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Paragraph Writing 5: Eco Cities


Paragraph Writing with Quotations: Ecological Cities (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students select a number of quotations based on eco cities that they paraphrase and reference as part of a paragraph writing exercise. The worksheet includes ten quotations to choose from as well as a sample paragraph to analyse. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Paragraph Writing 6: Energy Drinks

Paragraph Writing with Quotations: Energy Drinks (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students select a number of quotations based on energy drinks that they paraphrase and reference as part of a paragraph writing exercise. The worksheet includes ten quotations to choose from as well as a sample paragraph to analyse. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP



Paragraph Writing 7: Gross Domestic Product


  Paragraph Writing with Quotations: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students select a number of quotations based on GDP that they paraphrase and reference as part of a paragraph writing exercise. The worksheet includes ten quotations to choose from as well as a sample paragraph to analyse. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP



Paragraph Writing 8: Generation Gap


Paragraph Writing with Quotations: Generation Gap (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students select a number of quotations based on generation gap  that they paraphrase and reference as part of a paragraph writing exercise. The worksheet includes ten quotations to choose from as well as a sample paragraph to analyse. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP



Paragraph Writing 9: Social Media


Paragraph Writing with Quotations: Social Media (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students select a number of quotations based on social media that they paraphrase and reference as part of a paragraph writing exercise. The worksheet includes ten quotations to choose from as well as a sample paragraph to analyse. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP



Paragraph Writing 10: Surveillance Technology


Paragraph Writing with Quotations: Surveillance Technology (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students select a number of quotations based on surveillance technology that they paraphrase and reference as part of a paragraph writing exercise. The worksheet includes ten quotations to choose from as well as a sample paragraph to analyse. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP



Paragraph Writing 11: Vaping

Paragraph Writing with Quotations: Vaping (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students select a number of quotations based on vaping that they paraphrase and reference as part of a paragraph writing exercise. The worksheet includes ten quotations to choose from as well as a sample paragraph to analyse. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP



Critical Analysis Reading Texts 1-5

New for February 2024

Text Analysis 1: Going to university


Text Analysis 1: Going to University (updated 2024)

A great lesson for developing and practising critical thinking reading skills. It is a 400-word text on ‘going to university’ with over 15 possible problems. Students use the higher level thinking skills of analysis and evaluation to examine, question and critique the textExample. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Text Analysis 2: Cost-of-living crisis

Text Analysis 2: Cost-of-Living Crisis (new 2024)

A great lesson for developing and practising critical thinking reading skills. It is a 400-word text on ‘the cost-of-living crisis’ with over 18 possible problems. Students use the higher level thinking skills of analysis and evaluation to examine, question and critique the textExample. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Text Analysis 3: Climate Change

Text Analysis 3: Climate Change: The Turning Point (new 2024)

A great lesson for developing and practising critical thinking reading skills. It is a 400-word text on ‘Climate Change’ with over 24 possible problems. Students use the higher level thinking skills of analysis and evaluation to examine, question and critique the textExample. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Text Analysis 4: Population Growth


Text Analysis 4: Population Growth (new 2024)

A great lesson for developing and practising critical thinking reading skills. It is a 400-word text on ‘population growth’ with over 20 possible problems. Students use the higher level thinking skills of analysis and evaluation to examine, question and critique the textExample. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Text Analysis 5: Data Centres


Text Analysis 5: Data Centres (new 2024)

A great lesson for developing and practising critical thinking reading skills. It is a 400-word text on ‘data centres’ with over 26 possible problems. Students use the higher level thinking skills of analysis and evaluation to examine, question and critique the text. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Critical Analysis Reading Texts 6-10

New for August 2024

Text Analysis 6: Hadron Collider


Text Analysis 6: Hadron Collider (new 2024)

A great lesson for developing and practising critical thinking reading skills. It is a 400-word text on the ‘Hadron Collider’ with over 12 possible problems. Students use the higher level thinking skills of analysis and evaluation to examine, question and critique the text. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Text Analysis 7: Life on other Planets


Text Analysis 7: Life on other Planets (new 2024)

A great lesson for developing and practising critical thinking reading skills. It is a 400-word text on ‘life on other planets’ with over 14 possible problems. Students use the higher level thinking skills of analysis and evaluation to examine, question and critique the text. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP



Text Analysis 8: Poverty


Text Analysis 8: Poverty (new 2024)

A great lesson for developing and practising critical thinking reading skills. It is a 400-word text on ‘poverty’ with over 15 possible problems. Students use the higher level thinking skills of analysis and evaluation to examine, question and critique the text. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP



Text Analysis 9: Reality TV


Text Analysis 9: Reality TV (new 2024)

A great lesson for developing and practising critical thinking reading skills. It is a 400-word text on ‘reality TV’ with over 14 possible problems. Students use the higher level thinking skills of analysis and evaluation to examine, question and critique the text. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP



Text Analysis 10: War


Text Analysis 10: War (new 2024)

A great lesson for developing and practising critical thinking reading skills. It is a 400-word text on ‘war’ with over 15 possible problems. Students use the higher level thinking skills of analysis and evaluation to examine, question and critique the text. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


The Systems of the Body

Free Lesson: An introduction to the systems of the body


FREE LESSON: An introduction to the 11 systems of the body [new 2024]

This worksheet has been designed to help students review/recycle or learn the eleven systems of the body and can be an introduction for the systems worksheets. It includes writing definitions, discovering each system along with its pronunciation, and reading definitions and identifying which system is being defined. Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

The Eleven Systems of the Body 1-6

The Cardiovascular System (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students review/recycle or learn about the cardiovascular system. It contains a range of exercises such as labelling a heart diagram, reading a definition of this system and identifying errors, writing about pulmonary and systemic circulation and a summarising task. Example worksheet Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


The Digestive System (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students review/recycle or learn about the digestive system. It contains a range of exercises such as labelling the organs of this system, reading comprehension about how this system works, and writing about the stomach using given prompts. Example worksheet Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


The Endocrine System (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students review/recycle or learn about the endocrine system. It contains a range of exercises such as writing a definition of this system using given prompts, researching and table completion activity and labelling the thyroid. Example worksheet Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


The Integumentary System (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students review/recycle or learn about the integumentary system. It contains a range of exercises such as completing a definition of this system using given words, a summarising task, labelling the structure of the skin, reading comprehension about the skin, and identifying word stress in the given words Example worksheet Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


The Lymphatic System (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students review/recycle or learn about the lymphatic system. It contains a range of exercises such as completing a definition of this system using a mind map, identifying word stress in given words, completing a gap fill task about the lymph nodes, and writing about the thymus using given prompts. Example worksheet Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


The Muscular System (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students review/recycle or learn about the muscular system. It contains a range of exercises such as completing a definition of this system using given words, labelling the muscles in the leg, researching and writing about two muscles in the leg, and writing about the types of muscle tissue using given prompts. Example worksheet Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


The Eleven Systems of the Body 7-11

The Nervous System (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students review/recycle or learn about the nervous system. It contains a range of exercises such reading comprehension about this system, completing a gap fill task about the somatic nervous system, reading about the autonomic nervous system, labelling the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, and a summarising task. Example worksheet Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


The Reproductive System (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students review/recycle or learn about the reproductive system. It contains a range of exercises such as making complete sentences about this system by matching two parts, labelling the female and male reproductive systems and a summarising task. Example worksheet Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


The Respiratory System (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students review/recycle or learn about the respiratory system. It contains a range of exercises such as writing a definition of this system using given prompts, completing a gap fill task about how this system works, labelling a model of the right lung and researching how the left lung differs from the right lung. Example worksheet Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


The Skeletal System (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students review/recycle or learn about the skeletal system. It contains a range of exercises such as labelling the bones of a skeleton, researching the five types of bone and table completion, writing about the role of bone marrow using the given prompts, and researching and writing about platelets. Example worksheet Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP 


The Urinary System  (new 2024)

This lesson has been designed to help students review/recycle or learn about the urinary system. It contains a range of exercises such as writing about this system using the given prompts, completing a gap fill task about the kidneys, making sentences about the bladder by matching two parts and researching the four parts of the bladder. Example worksheet Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP 


The Eleven Systems of the Body PDF Book

The 11 Systems of the Body PDF Book [new 2024]

This booklet has been designed to help students review/recycle or learn about the eleven systems of the body. The booklet contains teacher’s notes, introductory tasks, and activities such as gap fills, matching exercises, reading comprehension, labelling tasks, writing exercises, pronunciation and word stress activities, research tasks and a quiz. Example worksheet Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

New releases for 2023 (December 2023)



 Punctuation [updated 2023]

This lesson helps improve students’ awareness of punctuationIt includes a punctuation review section, lots of guided practice and freer paragraph writing practice (see worksheet example) Time: 60mins.  Level ***** [B1/B2/C1]  TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Essay Feedback Form


Essay feedback form (new 2023)

This form can be used for writing tasks or writing assessments. It includes sections on  formatting, introduction, main body, conclusion, in-text referencing, reference list, language use (vocabulary, grammar, academic style) and overall comments. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

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Poster Feedback Form


Poster feedback form (new 2023)

This form can be used for poster writing assessments. It includes sections on formatting, objectives, content (titles, acronyms, terms), figures, in-text referencing, reference list, language use (vocabulary, grammar, academic style) and overall comments. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

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Seminar Feedback Forms


Seminar feedback form (new 2023)

This form can be used for seminar speaking assessments. It includes sections on speaking (length of contribution, adding to others, pronunciation, pace & volume), content (preparation, facts & figures, referring to sources), language use (vocabulary, grammar), interaction (signposting) and overall comments. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1]TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

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Presentation Feedback form


Presentation feedback form (updated 2023)

This form can be used for seminar speaking assessments. It includes sections on organisation, content (well researched, clear slides , facts & figures, sources), presentation & engagement (use of signposting language), language use (vocabulary, grammar), pronunciation and overall comments. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

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E-Portfolio Presentation Feedback Form


E-portfolio presentation feedback form (new 2023)

This form can be used for e-portfolio presentation assessments. It includes sections on organisation, task fulfilment & content (ALGs, analysis, evaluation, future focus), presentation & engagement (use of signposting language), language use (vocabulary, grammar), pronunciation and overall comments. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

Free Download


new resources 2024

New resources for 2024

We had an amazing year in 2023 in terms of creating new material. We created over 8 new lessons & worksheets. 

We created material on e-portfolios, academic posters, Medical English (TED Ed lectures, Medical Academic Word List (MAWL), heart disease, dementia), YouTube lectures, Plagiarism and so much more … More information 

New resources 2023

New resources for 2023

We had an amazing year in 2023 in terms of creating new material. We created over 85 new lessons & worksheets. 

We created material on e-portfolios, academic posters, Medical English (TED Ed lectures, Medical Academic Word List (MAWL), heart disease, dementia), YouTube lectures, Plagiarism and so much more … More information 

More Writing Resources 

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argument essays AEUK


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topic lesson Books by AEUK


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6-week academic English course


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SPSE Lessons by AEUK

SPSE Essays

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Error Correction


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