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Peer Feedback Forms
This week we’ve created five’ free’ peer feedback forms for essays, seminars, presentations, posters and portfolios. Peer feedback helps students to engage with the standards of a specific task and the relevant assessment criteria, as well as developing their skills of self-assessment and exposing them to different methods of evaluating work.

What is peer feedback?
Peer feedback is when students provide one another with valuable feedback on their work.
The last two decades have brought a seismic shift in the provision of feedback. Traditionally, feedback was seen as a ‘gift’ (Askew and Lodge, 2000); something presented by the teacher to the student, with students cast in the role of relatively passive recipients or even bystanders. But there is now widespread recognition that students must play a more direct and active part in feedback, if it is to make a real difference to the quality of their learning. (University of Edinburgh, 2019).
For the Quality Assurance Agency (2021), encouraging students to reflect on their own performance as well as get feedback from others is seen as worthwhile, and especially so “when opportunities for self-assessment are integrated in a module or programme” (QAA, 2021). Skills in giving and receiving feedback are also prized by employers and seen as an indispensable ‘graduate attribute’, helping to prepare students for learning in everyday life and work beyond university (Boud and Falchikov, 2016).
Academic English UK Peer Feedback Forms
Our feedback forms are simple yes / no question sheets with an added comments section. In the writing feedback forms we have included a section for students to highlight vocabulary, grammar and academic style mistakes but also anything that is unclear. In the speaking feedback forms we have included a section for the use of signposting language and mispronunciations. All forms include a written summary section for ‘What did they do well?‘ and ‘What do they need to do to improve?‘
Essay Feedback Form
Essay feedback form (new 2023)
This form can be used for writing tasks or writing assessments. It includes sections on formatting, introduction, main body, conclusion, in-text referencing, reference list, language use (vocabulary, grammar, academic style) and overall comments. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP
Poster Feedback Form
Poster feedback form (new 2023)
This form can be used for poster writing assessments. It includes sections on formatting, objectives, content (titles, acronyms, terms), figures, in-text referencing, reference list, language use (vocabulary, grammar, academic style) and overall comments. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP
Seminar Feedback Forms
Seminar feedback form (new 2023)
This form can be used for seminar speaking assessments. It includes sections on speaking (length of contribution, adding to others, pronunciation, pace & volume), content (preparation, facts & figures, referring to sources), language use (vocabulary, grammar), interaction (signposting) and overall comments. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1]TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP
Presentation Feedback form
Presentation feedback form (updated 2023)
This form can be used for seminar speaking assessments. It includes sections on organisation, content (well researched, clear slides , facts & figures, sources), presentation & engagement (use of signposting language), language use (vocabulary, grammar), pronunciation and overall comments. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP
E-Portfolio Presentation Feedback Form
E-portfolio presentation feedback form (new 2023)
This form can be used for e-portfolio presentation assessments. It includes sections on organisation, task fulfilment & content (ALGs, analysis, evaluation, future focus), presentation & engagement (use of signposting language), language use (vocabulary, grammar), pronunciation and overall comments. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP
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