Error Correction in Writing

What is error correction in writing?

These are a selection of lessons that focus on one specific error (prepositions, articles, tenses, wrong word, relative clauses, etc..) in a short academic text. 

There are two text options for these lessons.

  • Option 1 (Worksheet 1): This is a scaffolded approach in that the text contains the word form (WF) code within the article, so the students know exactly where each error is.
  • Option 2 (Worksheet 2): This is an un-scaffolded approach in that the text does not contain the word form (WF) code within the article, so the students will have to conduct a closer analysis to find the errors.
Error correction Lesson sheets

Two Error Correction Worksheets

Worksheet 1: Guided (30 minutes)

  • Students analyse the ten errors in the given text. They complete the given table of the error, the reason why it is incorrect and the corrected version.
  • Allow students time to compare with their partner(s) before giving out the answers.
  • Feedback: Distribute or project ANSWERS

Worksheet 2: More challenging (30 minutes)

  • Students identify and correct the ten errors in the given text. They complete the given table of the error, the reason why it is incorrect and the corrected version.
  • Allow students time to compare with their partner(s) before giving out the answers.
  • Feedback: Distribute or project ANSWERS


  • For mixed ability classes, students can be provided with the worksheet that suits their ability.

Error Correction: Grammar (with practice activities)

A short video on error correction of grammar issues.

If you can’t access this YouTube video in your country, go here

Video Worksheet: click here

Single Error Correction Lessons

Click on any link to be taken to the download

Correction Code

Correction Code (Updated 2025)

Teachers: This code can be used to correct student’s work. Underline the mistake and use one of the symbols to indicate the error. Students correct the mistake using the code and return to the teacher to check. TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

Download Error Correction Code*


Error Correction Practice: Free download (Updated 2024)

This is a really nice introductory lesson to the correction code. This sentence level practice sheet will help students to become accustomed to the correction code and practice changing the highlighted mistakes. TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

Download Correction Practice



Error Correction Code 2: Higher level practice & answers (Updated 2024)

This is a much harder worksheet of 12 sentences with 3 or 4 mistakes in each sentence. The mistake is highlighted using the error correction code and students need to correct it. TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP



Art: Abstract Art

Word Form (WF) Error Correction: Abstract Art (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting errors with word forms (WF). Centered on the topic of abstract art, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Example. Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Marketing: Advertising Ethics

Tense (T) Error Correction: Ethics in Advertising (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting errors with tenses (T). Centered on the topic of ethics in advertising, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Environment: Carbon Zero by 2050

Grammar (Gr) Error Correction: Carbon Zero by 2050 (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting errors with grammar (Gr). Centered on the topic of carbon zero, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities.  Example. Level: ***** [B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Media: Citizen Journalism

Missing Word (^) Error Correction: Citizen Journalism (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting missing words (^). Centered on the topic of citizen journalism, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Culture: Cultural Globalisation

Informal (Inf) Error Correction: Cultural Globalisation (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting informal language (Inf). Centered on the topic of global culturalisation, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Global Issues: Energy Security

Wrong Word (WW) Error Correction: Energy Security (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting wrong words (WW). Centered on the topic of energy security, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Global Issues: Food Security


Articles (A) Error Correction: Food Security (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting errors with articles (A). Centered on the topic of citizen food security, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP



Building: Green Building Certification

 Collocation (Coll) Error Correction: Green Building Certification (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting errors with collocation (Coll). Centered on the topic of green building certification, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP



Science: Life on other Planets

Prepositions (Prep) Error Correction: Life on other Planets (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting errors with prepositions (Prep). Centered on the topic of citizen journalism, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP

Free Download

Medicine: Sports Nutrition

Referencing (Ref) Error Correction: Sports Nutrition (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting errors with referencing (Ref). Centered on the topic of sports nutrition, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


Education: Study Abroad Programmes

Relative Clauses Error Correction: Study Abroad Programmes (new 2025)

This lesson helps students practice identifying and correcting errors with relative clauses (RC). Centred on the topic of study abroad programmes, it includes sentence- and paragraph-level exercises with differentiated worksheets tailored to varying abilities. Example. Level: ***** [B1/B2/C1] TEACHER MEMBERSHIP / INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP


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